They say we should keep a journal, a record of our daily lives for the future generation to look back on.
Well, I've tried. And I just can't seem to get myself to write in my journal more than maybe, 2-3 times a year. Let alone daily! I blog, a little bit, on our family blog. It's better than my journal writing.
Than I thought, what if I did one of those photos~a~blogs? Instead of writing I'll just take a photo, of something. These are just photos of my daily life. Somedays may be more interesting than others, but either way, there will now be a daily record of something for that day!
Enjoy taking a look thru my Photographic Diary....

Friday, April 1, 2011

Thursday, March 31st

7:30ish pm
Steve with his early birthday present!
A friend of ours and I decided to get Steves' Pope and Young record making antlers mounted.
Our friend did a fantastic job! Steve was very happy {even though he doesn't look like he is in this photo}. He said this was the best birthday present he has ever gotten. Score! I should get Wife of the Year award! I can't believe we pulled this off without him suspecting a thing. Until an hour before we made the reveal and he noticed someone had 'stolen' his antlers and replaced them with smaller ones. I just told him to trust me. I knew where his antlers were and they were in good hands. He then started thinking about what we might possibly have done to them. But he was still surprised and excited when we made the reveal and he saw how it turned out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh we will have to come and check it out. Andy will be so jealous!