They say we should keep a journal, a record of our daily lives for the future generation to look back on.
Well, I've tried. And I just can't seem to get myself to write in my journal more than maybe, 2-3 times a year. Let alone daily! I blog, a little bit, on our family blog. It's better than my journal writing.
Than I thought, what if I did one of those photos~a~blogs? Instead of writing I'll just take a photo, of something. These are just photos of my daily life. Somedays may be more interesting than others, but either way, there will now be a daily record of something for that day!
Enjoy taking a look thru my Photographic Diary....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday, April 26th

V. asked if I would take a photo of her.
So I did.

Monday, April 25th

7:00ish pm
We had some rain that was beautiful and then a beautiful rainbow showed up as well!

Sunday, April 24th

My parents had an egg hunt and Easter dinner at their house.
My dad remarried 9 years ago, 2 years after my mom passed away.
 So there are now 13 of us kids and 35+ grandkids!
Family get togethers are crazy but fun!
This is my dad with just a few of his grand-daughters.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday, April 23rd

V. dyed Easter eggs this afternoon.
She loved each and every egg!

Thursday, April 21st

V. and I went to the salon.
V. just got a trim.
I added layers and some red and blond highlights.
I LOVE it!

Wednesday, April 20th

I added some vinyl lettering to our front door.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, April 20th

Our cranes to send into OshKosh B'Gosh.
For each crane they get, they will donate an item of clothing to the
children in Japan who have lost everything since
the Tsunami and earthquakes hit last month.

Tuesday, April 19th

Mashing up berries to make Triple~Berry Jam!

Saturday, April 16th

My two sillies burrowing down into the bed pillows
 for some game they were playing!

Tuesday, April 12th

We enjoyed some sunshine and went for a walk at Jensen's Grove.
V. picked up a ton of rocks and put them in her jacket pockets.
{Which is why her jacket looks baggy in the front.}

Sunday, April 10th

My dad and his grand~daughter, my niece A.
We celebrated her 2nd birthday at my parents house.
Isn't she a doll?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday, April 8th


Thursday, April 7th

2:30 pm
At the dentist getting teeth sparkly and clean!

Wednesday, April 6th

These two were playing....something....I'm not sure what, while I was making dinner.

Tuesday, April 5th

Making a cake to celebrate!
We received our daughter's documents certifying she is
enrolled with the Navajo Nation.
Yes, she's 1/4 Navajo.
 The document has her blood status and census number.
We are very proud parents!

Saturday & Sunday, April 2nd-3rd

We spent the weekend watching and listening to
our chuch's General Conference.
A time to hear our Prophet and other church leaders speak to us.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Thursday, March 31st

7:30ish pm
Steve with his early birthday present!
A friend of ours and I decided to get Steves' Pope and Young record making antlers mounted.
Our friend did a fantastic job! Steve was very happy {even though he doesn't look like he is in this photo}. He said this was the best birthday present he has ever gotten. Score! I should get Wife of the Year award! I can't believe we pulled this off without him suspecting a thing. Until an hour before we made the reveal and he noticed someone had 'stolen' his antlers and replaced them with smaller ones. I just told him to trust me. I knew where his antlers were and they were in good hands. He then started thinking about what we might possibly have done to them. But he was still surprised and excited when we made the reveal and he saw how it turned out!

Wednesday, March 30th

5:45 pm
Steve and V playing with V.'s magnetic Princess dolls while I make dinner.
I think they were playing Beauty and the Beast.

Tuesday, March 29th

Carfting away.

Sunday, March 27th

2:40 pm
I subbed for the Music Director in Junior Primary at Church.

Saturday, March 26th

Taking the Backyardigans for a train ride!