They say we should keep a journal, a record of our daily lives for the future generation to look back on.
Well, I've tried. And I just can't seem to get myself to write in my journal more than maybe, 2-3 times a year. Let alone daily! I blog, a little bit, on our family blog. It's better than my journal writing.
Than I thought, what if I did one of those photos~a~blogs? Instead of writing I'll just take a photo, of something. These are just photos of my daily life. Somedays may be more interesting than others, but either way, there will now be a daily record of something for that day!
Enjoy taking a look thru my Photographic Diary....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, February 16 th

No, we are not sick at our house.My daughter has allergies.
Every year when the weather starts to warm up, she gets a horrible runny nose and cough.
And it lasts from now thru May.
So if you see my child with a runny nose and/or coughing, I promise you, she is not sick! It's allergies!
     Same thing happens every Fall when they start to harvest the fields.

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